You will need the following three (3) pieces of information to create the security token in order for LiveSync to connect your PowerSchool application:
You will see the BusBoss screen (below) by default. The following fields need to be filled in to connect to your BusBoss database: Server, Database, UserName, and Password
BusBoss Test Button
Click on the Test button to test the connection. You should get a message "Database Connection Succeeded"
Click on the PowerSchool button on the left hand side of the LiveSync dialog screen and you will see the screen below. The following fields need to be filled in to connect to your PowerSchool: URL, Client ID, and Client Secret.
Powerschool Test Button
Click on the Test Powerschool button to test the connection. You should get a message "Powerschool Connection Succeeded"
Click on Synchronization Settings. From here, the user can control whether LiveSync will synchronize transportation information, student information, or both.
Click on the Columns button to view the Import Column Mapping. Keep the default column mappings unless instructed otherwise
Note: If the column mapping or school mapping are not populating, close out of PowerSchool LiveSync and re-open it.
Click on School Mapping. The left side will show all the schools in PowerSchool and on the right will be the schools in BusBoss. Click Refresh Schools to reload the list of schools from PowerSchool.
By default the BusBoss side will be blank. You must choose schools in BusBoss that matches the schools in PowerSchool. Any students attending schools without a BusBoss school selected in this screen will be brought over with the school code listed in the PS# column.
Make sure to click the Save button when finished on this screen
Click on the Email Notifications button to configure email notifications from LiveSync. Any of the following events can send a notification to the configured email address:
Click on the Event Log button on the left hand side of the LiveSync dialog screen to check what activity has taken place
Click on the Check for Updates button on the left hand side of the LiveSync dialog screen to see if there are any updates available from BusBoss
This page provides raw XML data for our developers. This is primarily used for troubleshooting issues with data synchronization, or adding customization to the import process.
Click on Synchronize Data on the left hand side of the LiveSync window to to begin the Synchronize Students process below.
Synchronizing students will copy the students from PowerSchool into a queue table in the BusBoss database.
When Synchronize Students is run, the PowerSchool.Students table and the dbo.SIFIncomingStudent table are both cleared. The PowerSchool.Students table is then populated with the student information from PowerSchool.
You can check the tables by running SQL queries via the back-end in SQL Server Manager or in BusBoss via File → Modify Data:
SELECT * FROM PowerSchool.Students
SELECT * FROM dbo.SIFIncomingStudent
The program validates that the StudentIdNumbers match in BusBoss before transferring the data from the PowerSchool.Students table to the dbo.SIFIncomingStudent table.
Once the synchronization has finished you can check the log to confirm completion.
The dbo.SIFIncomingStudent table should be populated, and you should see an icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen in BusBoss, alerting the user that there is new data from PowerSchool that needs to be imported.
To apply the changes that are in the SIF table to BusBoss, from within BusBoss, run Tools → Import → SIF to import the student data into BusBoss
You will see the screen below: Click yes to continue. The SIF table will be cleared for the next Syncroniztion.
Next, if there are any data mismatches, you will get a Compare Data - Data Mismatch screen which will require user responses
One completed with the Data Mismatch screen the Import Student screen will appear. Click the Import Student Data button to start the import
Note: For further instructions on how to use the Import Students tool, please consult the BusBoss user guide.