BusBoss Change Log Version 2008
2008.0 - 6/23/2008
- Automatic Updates (Support Contract, Internet Access and GUID is required)
- Requires Customer Registration Number (GUID)
- Map Issues Detected Topology has to be created, login may take a while
- Tele Atlas Maps are now available for an Annual Fee (includes quarterly updates)
Map Toolbars
- Google Satellite View
- Display Turn Restrictions
- Display Dead Ends
- Routes for Street (Print Button)
- Point-to-Point (Additional Options)
- Display Students
- Display Near Students
- Display All Students
- Display Addresses (New Options)
- Display Stops (New Options)
- Display Schools (Color Column)
- Display All Sex Offenders
- Display Sex Offender Problems
Map Status Bar
- Stops Located near Sex Offenders
- Incoming SIF Messages
- Clear Map (Additional Layers)
- Hover over now includes the Geocoded address in the status bar
Map Progress Bar
- Database Name is now used as Progress bar
Map Screen
- Copyright Information is displayed
- Latitude/Longitude is now displayed in the map area
- Right Click Menu on the map includes short cuts (still centers the map when cursor is not Normal)
- Zoom into selection using mouse click and drag
Street Information
- Additional Fields (Bi-Directional Speed Limits, Height & Weight Restrictions)
- Changing Street Names and Speed Limits will prompt to Save Applicable Routes
Intersection Information
Student Information
- Students are now displayed for Addresses and Stop assignments
Configuration General Tab
- Bar Code Font used for Route Instructions Report and Bus Passes
- Software Updates Setting Options
Configuration Map Tab
- Optimize Routes Default
- Threat Level Default Distances
Configuration Student Tab
Configuration Email Tab
- Use SSL, Port, Username and Password can now be stored
Configuration Warnings Tab
- Edit Reminders for setting number of days for notifications
Maintain Driver
- Licensing Tab has new fields
- Employment Tab has new fields
- Checks Tab has new fields
Maintain Lookup Tables
- Special Needs now have associated icons
Maintain Route
- Open Route Screen has a Search bar
- Optimize Path and Optimize All Paths defaults to settings found in Configuration Map Tab
- Optimize Path is a lot faster and accommodates for turn restrictions and height and weight restrictions
- Unrouted Stops and Over Capacity are displayed in red
- Stops Tab shows icons at Depots, Schools, Transfers and Special Needs Stops
- Copy Routes screen has changed
- Lock/Unlock Stops
- Modify Directions for Locked Stops
- Display Unrouted stops uses unique stop icons
- Smart Select, Modify Path, Delete Path and Delete All Paths have been removed
- The ability to add and delete Path Points has been added
- Add, Insert, Delete and Delete Zero Count Stops automatically optimizes the Paths
- Save Route also calculates the mileages for the directions
- Directions all account for turnarounds
- Students Dropdown includes Display Students for This Stop and Display Students for All Stops
- Right Click menu has been changed
- Route Display now has numbers within the stops and the stops are bigger
Maintain School
- General Tab has color to be assigned for each school (defaults to white)
- Zones Tab displays zones assigned to schools for Rider, Walker and Attendance areas
- Tools Create Walk Zone automatically (school must be located and have a walk to school distance set)
Maintain Sex Offenders
- New functionality to set Threat Areas and Sex Offenders to a specific map radius
- Automatic Sex Offender Updates available from Family Watchdog (Annual Fee)
Maintain Student
- Search Screen now shows Not Transported instead of Walker
Maintain Student Assign Days Tab
- Assign Stop screen now displays stops actual walk distance instead of crow fly
Maintain Student Individual Tab
- State Identification Number field has been added
Maintain Student Transportation Tab
- Not Transported is used instead of Walker
- Special Needs1 is used to display students on the map with specific icons
Maintain Student Transportation2 Tab
- Walk To School Distance can now be displayed to visually see the path used to calculate this field
Maintain Student Bus Pass Tab
- Bus Passes can now be generated in credit card style and receipts can also be provided. Also found in the Print dropdown
Tools Bus Pass
- Bus Pass Types, Fees and Payment Methods must be set prior to generating credit card style bus passes
Tools Import Students
- Filter Students (New and/or Existing) Column to Include or Exclude students from the Import
- Compare Data has replaced Check Addresses. Now it compares student names, addresses, schools and grades.
- Errors and Warnings are displayed with hyperlinks directly to the applicable row(s)
- Utility Add Missing Race Types
- Utility Add Missing School Codes (option to Add or Replace invalid school codes)
- New columns for District and County Codes
- Validation and importing combines School Code, District Code and County Code combinations
Tools Route
- Calculate Directions for All Routes, Calculate Routes, Save All Routes have been combined into one Save All Routes
- Export to Skyward has been added
Tools Save to History
- Validate History Date will now check for Schools that are not in session, Students missing transfer routes, Routes with disconnected paths and Routes with duplicate stops for schools
Tools Set Calendar Day Type
- Replaces Set Snow Day
- Times can now be set for Early Dismissals and Late Arrivals
- Notes can now be set for all Day Types
Tools Student
- Import Student State Identification Numbers (must be a .csv file with Student Id Number in first column and state id number in second column)
- Reverse Names will automatically reverse the student names according to the 1st space in the name
- Set Walk Ride has been replaced with Set Rider Status
Help Check for Updates
- Automatically checks for software service packs located on the BusBoss website
Reports Print Preview
- Email report as .PDF attachment (novaPDF is installed specifically for BusBoss)
- Page sizes have been removed and are only available for specific reports
- Double sided printing is now available for specific reports with page breaks at each new bus number
Reports Bus Pass Fees
- Bus Pass Fees Collected Report available by Date Range
Reports Route Instructions
- Bold & underlined Stop Descriptions and Times
- Ability to include bar code with each student name (Configuration General Tab)
- Include or Exclude mileages to each stop
Reports Contractor
- Student List now includes inactive students from current and history
Reports School Calendar by Date Range
- First Day and Last Day selections now available (automatically calculated by the system
Reports Driver
- To Vehicle to School Listing
Reports Fleet Optimization
- Bus Schedules, Passenger Lists, Route Instructions and Route Summary
Reports Mailing
- Bus Passes can be printed to pre-printed forms
- Post Cards are now available by Home Room
- Homeroom can now be displayed on the post card
Reports State Report
- Texas Route Service Report is now available
Reports Streets
- Streets within Zone Report is now available
Reports Student
- Walkers by School has been replaced by Not Transported by School
Reports Zones
- Addresses within Zone(s) has additional options for Not Transported, Riders or Both
- Race Type within Zone Report has been added
- Students Assigned to Stops has additional options for Pickup, Dropoff and Noon Kindergarten
- Students by School by Grade has additional options for Not Transported, Riders or Both
GPS Tracking
- Student and Vehicle Tracking are now available at discounted prices. Exclusively from Wade-Garcia Associates.
8.0 - 6/4/2007
Log In
- Add Scenario Wizard.
- Multiple Databases can now be open at the same time.
- Warnings are now displayed every time a user logs in. These can be configured to meet the users needs.
- Warning for routes without paths (missing entirely between stops).
- Aides are now a part of BusBoss.
- Unlocated list is now available for just riders (current and history).
- Bus Height & Weight is now included in the routing reports
- Student Documents Path must be set to a shared folder.
- Student Photo Path must be set to a shared folder using their Student Id Number as the file name.
- Warnings list is available to select just those preferred warnings.
- Drivers can now be assigned to a Primary Contractor.
- Photos can now be assigned to drivers.
- Depot Information is now available to display all of the busses and routes assigned to the selected depot.
- Display Addresses selection screen has been modified to include the ability to select specific Contractors.
- Display Stops selection screen has been modified to include the ability to select specific Contractors.
- Aide Details Report Selection Screen.
- Bus Details Report Selection Screen.
- New Wheelchair Busses report lists those buses set to accommodate wheel chairs.
- Contractor Details Report Selection Screen.
- Student List Report.
- Depot Details Report is now available to list all of the busses and routes assigned to the selected depot.
- Driver Details Report Selection Screen.
- Post Cards by Route only includes routing information applicable to the selected route.
- Post Cards by Student can now be printed for all applicable routing, including Split Custody.
- Post Cards have options to display the Pickup and/or Dropoff selections.
- New Pressure Sealed Bus Route Notices, with the option to include photos.
- Disconnected paths report lists those routes that are missing roads to get from stop to stop.
- Routes for Aides report.
- Passenger List Report displays split custody students with a * and their weekday usage is designated as Split Custody.
- Route Maps moved to Reports Route menu.
- Accident Report Selection Screen now includes the option to order the report by stop or by student also the option to include the student photos.
- Add Photos to Passenger List Report only.
- Route Reports have all been combined to use new selection screen: (Include Inactive applies to the selection type)
- Bus Schedule
- Passenger List
- Route Instructions
- Route Summary
- School Details Report Selection Screen.
- Streets within Zone Report lists streets by school, then by street name, then by house number ranges. Includes City, State, Zip Code, Speed Limit and designates whether or not they are set as Hazardous or Road Blocks.
- Student Details Report Selection Screen.
- Students requiring Aides report.
- Student split custody routing report lists only those students assigned to split custody.
- A warning will be displayed when closing a route that does not meet the needs of students requiring a wheel chair bus or an Aide.
- Stops with disconnected paths are highlighted in pink and the map displays a red x everywhere they are disconnected while modifying routes. Save will refresh the display.
- Assign Aide(s) to Routes.
- Contractor name is now displayed if a contractor owns the bus.
- Number of students needing Aides and/or wheelchairs displayed during routing.
- Display students during routing show those needing aides and/or wheelchairs.
- Optimization takes into account whether or not Allow Turnarounds is selected for the assigned bus.
- School name field length has been increased to 50 characters.
- Find Closest Route - Looks at the location of the address to list nearby routes according to the day of the week selected - ability to open the route from the list. This is used to be able to insert a stop that is currently not on a route.
- Student Documents can now be added, deleted, and viewed.
- Modified Add Incident screen - Incidents have larger Description of Incident and Action Taken fields.
- Assign Students needing Aides.
- Student's Exit date is assumed to be the last day attended, so there should be transportation for that date.
- Student Photos will now be displayed.
- Modified Student Pickup/Dropoff Tab to include the driver and contractor names.
- Student Routing report has been modified to exclude information not applicable to routing (includes all routing assigned, including split custody, transfers and second schools)
- Split Custody Days can now be assigned to a second address and additional stops and routes for every day of the week. This information is not saved to history, only applies to current reports.
- Contractor Configure Cut-off Dates is used to prevent users from modifying daily routing for students past the specified date.
- Contractor Modify Daily Routing for Students can be used to assign and unassign students from historical routing.
- Contractor Process Daily Routing saves to history student routing information, excluding miles for each route.
- Upload Field Trips Data Tool is used to create the district's database on our server for managing field trips. This tool must be used from year to year, after graduating students to create the new years database. This tool will upload all student, school, driver, vehicle, routes, etc. from the districts current database up to our online server.
- New Graduate Students wizard includes retain Preschoolers option.
- Modified Import Students Validation tool now it lists each one separately.
- Redistricting Tool allows the user to move multiple students at once, from one school to another according to their current address location, school and/or grade.
- Add User User Name maximum = 10
BusBoss Version 7 Updates
Accumulated Change Log
7.1 - 9/29/06
- Added functionality to allow the user to select to Optimize the Route Paths by Distance or Time.
- Added the ability to accommodate for user defined Date and Time Regional Settings
- Added the ability to enter Comments/Notes for each date in the School Calendar for each school.
- Added the ability to designate a school as Active or Inactive.
- Added the ability to Set Speed Limits by Road Type Classifications.
- Added the ability to Search for Students by Route Description.
- Added the ability to Search for Students by Bus Number.
- Modified the School Calendar by Date report to School Calendar by Date Range.
- Modified the School Calendar by Date Range report to include the Notes assigned to each date.
- Modified the School Calendar by Date Range to include Inactive Schools.
- Modified the School Calendar by Date Range to select School Types.
- Modified the Route Summary History report to include inactive students.
- Added the student's date of birth to the Accident Report.
- Changed the Transportation Schedule report to group by purpose instead of time.
- Changed the Database Update to rebuild the Zip Code table previously deleted.
- Fixed a problem where adding a Contractor when none existed caused an error.
- Fixed a problem where adding a new student caused an error when calculating the walk to school distance.
- Fixed a problem running the Fleet Optimizer.
- Fixed a problem when locating a student's address from the Maintain Student screen would locate another student's address when multiple students were open.
- Fixed the Post Cards by Route report to display the correct pick-up and drop-off times.
- Fixed a problem using the Save to History functionality.
- Added a new report to School Menu - Total Ridership by School Type and Vehicle Ownership.
BusBoss Version 6 Updates
Accumulated Change Log
6.0.34 - 08/30/2005
- Added functionality to print maps for routes. [Tools\Route\Print Maps]
- The ability to export the current map view to a bitmap has been added to the map toolbar.
- Added a large font version of the route instructions report. [Report/Route/Route Instructions/Large Font]
- Added a new report that contains student bus assignments by homeroom. [Report/Student Routing/Bus Assignment By Home Room]
- The 'Student Mailing Labels' report was modified (again) to say: "To the parent/guardian of:"
- Fixed a problem in 'Fuzzy Locate Addresses' where an alphanumeric house number would cause an error.
- Fixed a problem where an unlocated address would remain visible on the map.
- Fixed a problem with calendar buttons on the school attendance screen.
- Fixed a problem involving find street and alphanumeric zip codes.
- Fixed a problem with stop times not showing in the 'ReportStudent' view within the report generator.
- Fixed a problem involving unlocated addresses that have an apostrophe in the street name.
- Fixed a problem with locating addresses from the student screen while other student screens are open.
- Fixed a problem with graduation involving different combinations of 'Purge 12th Graders' and 'Delete Special Ed'.
- Fixed a problem involving the visibility of an inactive student's information from the student screen and student reports.
- Fixed a problem where changing a student's school or address would not remove applicable transfer assignments.
6.0.16 - 05/26/2005
- Fixed permissions issue with calculating directions
6.0.15 - 05/19/2005
- The 'Student Mailing Labels' report was modified to say: "To the parent's of:"
- The excess 'save to history' dates that were created during the version 6 conversion have been removed from your list. (None of your processed history dates have been affected)
- The 'Add Stop to Route' tool will now stay active after adding a stop. This will allow you to add multiple stops to a route without having to 're-click' the tool.
- Error log would produce a 'File not found' error if the error log did not yet exist. This issue has been fixed.
- The import students replace tool has been modified to be case-sensitive.
6.0.14 - 05/06/2005
- Append map tool added. This tool enables you to add additional county map data to your database.
Contact us for additional information on obtaining maps. [Tools\Map\Append Maps]
- Added new 'Bus Assignment By Home Room' report. This report will produce a list of students by school, by Home Room, with their pickup and dropoff bus numbers. [Report\Student Routing\Bus Assignment By Home Room]
- Fixed an issue with the 'Address' section of the edit student screen.
If there were multiple addresses present, clicking 'Go There' would always go to the home address.